Grinch Story
As the grinch robbed the Christmas!!!
The Grinch is a shaggy, hairy green creature with a "two-smallest" heart that lives in a cave on top of a mountain north of Whoville, home to the happy and affectionate "Who" ... and his only Company is your faithful dog, Max.
From his lair, on top of Mount Crumpit, he can hear the noisy Christmas preparations taking place in Villaquien. Envy of the joy of the "Who", plans to go down to the village, and steal all the decorations and gifts and thus prevent Christmas coming.
But it did not have the curiosity of a small one: Cindy Lou, who investigates on its past and arrives to discover that as a child The Grinch was the laughingstock of the children of the school in Villaquien, by its different aspect ... One of the chapters Most remembered and hated by him was when he made an angel to give it to Martha May, the only child who did not laugh at him, seeing how polite he was; The Grinch tried shaving to be presentable to the people, and when everyone saw him, again
They laughed again and made fun of the poor ... and since then The Grinch climbed up Mount Crumpit, settled there and gave up Christmas, the world and the Who, who were so cruel to him.
Feeling pity for the Grinch, and knowing that she was the only one who understood her problem, Cindy Lou invited him to the "Joy Who" party, to be the "Merry Master of Christmas". The Grinch goes reluctantly, wins the title of Cheer Master and even begins to have fun, but the mayor again ridicules him giving him a razor, and The Grinch remembers that when he was little They laughed at him for cutting himself off when he shaved and he got angry again.